Monday 22 July 2013

aliens and orks

just finished these 6mm figures giants aliens and orks, the aliens in biosuits are 15mm and the orks are 12mm

these are the aliens, 2 have bio rifles and the commander 2 bio pistols

and the orks with ax cannon combo as weapons
 thanks for watching and feel free to comment

greetings Patrick Mondria

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Bishop Hermann Von Tartu WIP

upcoming figure for Valdemar: Bishop Hermann Von Tartu
still need to do some work to it little more detail work and this weapons.

so far a lovely figure to sculpt and I think 1 of the best figures I ever made, there a nice sense of movement in the cloths at least that is what I think.

 thanks for watching and feel free to comment

greetings Patrick Mondria