Saturday, 2 June 2018

M22 Locust preview

Quick M22 Locust preview

Model:M22 Locust (early)
Manufactory: Planet
Scale: 1/72
Material: resin
Kit number: MV103
Parts: 18

nice sturdy box
front and back info sheet with decals
inside clear instructions

parts sealed in bags


hull, fender is nice and thin but a bit warped

hull, fender cracked on my kit, nothing to hard to fix
Only a couple of air bubbles in the sand shield (easy to fix) and in the rear engine deck (bit harder to fix) but overall well cast

running gear molded with the side plate, flash between the wheels will be easy to remove but the idler will be very hard to fix

tiny turret, maybe even a bit to small?

rest of the parts
                Real               1/72               kit
Scale: length 3,94m      54,7mm        55mm
           width  2,16m      30mm           32mm
           hight   1.85m      25,7mm        26mm
so overall pretty close but a bit too large.

Good parts:
  • As far as I know this is the only 1/72 M22 Locust. (update now also a plastic M22 see below)
  • low part count
  • hardly any flash 
  • well cast 
  • good instructions 
  • has decals

Bad parts:

  • solid idler
  • missing head light guards
  • missing the strengthening bar between the bogies
  • broken and warped vendors will be hard to fix
See also
S-model M22

Greetings Mondria